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Program Kami

Metabolic Wellness | Skin Rejuvenation | Weight Management | Mind & Mental Health Recovery

Metabolic Wellness

Kami mengubah Anda menjadi versi terbaik dari diri Anda

Pemeriksaan Data Medis

Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Yang Lengkap

Ozone Therapy

Terapi dengan Ozone Machine

Optimalisasi Gaya Hidup

Transformasi Pola Gaya Hidup Anda Secara Permanen

Perencanaan Nutrisi

Penyesuaian Pola Makan, Nutrisi & Suplementasi Primer

Latihan Fisik

Pengelolaan Kebugaran Fisik dengan Pelatih Fisik Profesional

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Skin Rejuvenation

Melindungi Kesehatan Kulit, Mengembalikan Peremajaan Kulit, Membentuk Kontur Wajah.

Basic Treatment

Perawatan Khusus: Kulit Kusam, Jerawat, Kulit Kering

Treatment Peremajaan

Mengurangi Tanda-Tanda Penuaan

Metode & Pengencangan Wajah

Botox Vegan & Perawatan Sculpting Wajah Lainnya

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Weight Management

Pemulihan Cepat, Pembentukan Tubuh Secara Instan, Metode Invasif Yang Aman


Pembakaran Lemak Instan

Body Sculpt

Mengencangkan Kulit Kendur

Body Shape & Countur

Menghilangkan Stretchmark

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Mind Recovery

Manajemen Stres, Regulasi Emosi, Pusat Tumbuh Kembang Anak.

Mind & Mental Recovery I

Penilaian Psikologis Yang Komprehensif

Mind & Mental Recovery II

Terapi Untuk Keluarga

Mind & Mental Recovery III

Solusi Untuk Masalah Fisik, Emosional, dan Sosial Anak

Children Growth

Pengujian Potensi Tumbuh Kembang Anak

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Spine Care

Hidup lebih mudah. Tulang belakang yang sehat dapat membuat kita bergerak lebih baik, rasa sakit hilang secara permanen, dan menaikkan produktivitas

Day 1
Pengecekan Awal

Cek Riwayat Kesehatan lengkap & Konsultasi Dokter

Pemeriksaan Fisik 1

Pemeriksaan Neurologis/Syaraf & Muskuloskeletal/Otot

Pemeriksaan Fisik 2

Cek Postur, Rentang Gerak/Fleksibilitas & Skoliosis

Tes Keseimbangan

Stabilitas berdiri, berjalan lurus, berdiri satu kaki, serta mobilitas dan stabilitas fungsional

Day 2
Konsultasi Dengan Dokter

Konsultasi Hasil Temuan & Analisa Hasil X-Ray

Report Of Finding

Problem Report

Treatment Oleh Dokter

1x Treatment Spine Correction & Restoration Oleh Dokter

Treatment Oleh Fisioterapi

1x Treatment Functional Rehab (FST) oleh Fisioterapi

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers on frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us via email or phone.

The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.

The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.

The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.

The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.


+62 819-9707-0899

Hari & Jam

Mon to Sun: 10:00 am — 8:00 pm


Bintaro Exchange 2, UG Floor, Unit S-32A